
Maintaining a dedicated in-house IT team simply isn't an option for many small to medium-sized construction companies, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't prioritize tech. For some functions such as IT, outsourcing is the most sensible choice. You benefit from the expertise of an entire team of seasoned IT professionals while freeing up time to focus on what you do best.

Keep reading to discover why it makes sense to outsource managed IT services and find out what to look for in an IT firm for your construction business.

Why Outsource IT Services?

Even if you're highly adept at tech and have managed so far without an IT department or outsourcing IT for your construction firm, you should consider making the switch. IT professionals spend all day, every day focusing on their field of expertise. They're aware of the latest tech advancements and have a vast pool of data to draw from when analyzing your current systems in view of making improvements.

As such, you can spend less time on IT and more time on creating a strategy to grow your business. With managed IT services outsourced, you'll be in a better position to scale up operations, attract more customers and make more money.

Digital Transformation

Another reason hiring a managed IT partner is so important for construction companies in and around Vaughan is digital transformation. As you're probably aware, people are increasingly using the internet to facilitate daily life. Consumers are more likely to conduct research online than rely on word of mouth or recommendations alone. This means your website should be slick, be discoverable and meet the demands of modern internet users.

Neglecting to go with the flow of digital transformation could cost your construction company big-time. While other contractors rush to invest in their online reputation and digital output, businesses that drag their heels are at a very real risk of getting left behind.

What to Look for in an IT Firm for Your Construction Company

When selecting an IT partner to work with, it's crucial that they're qualified to manage IT services for your construction business. We'd recommend conducting plenty of research first, then giving them a call to ensure they meet the following standards.

1.Experience in the Construction Industry

Some people say IT transcends industry because a lot of businesses use the same hardware and software, regardless of their trade. However, if a managed IT company has experience in construction, they're already well-versed in how to respond to issues specific to your field. What's more, you might have specialty tech that a team experienced in construction IT has already used. Working with an experienced managed IT firm will deliver faster results and a better ROI.

2. Response Times

As the old saying goes, time is money, and this is truer than ever before with many contractors running on tight margins. You can't afford to wait around for IT solutions, so be sure to choose an IT partner that proudly displays its lightning-fast response times.

If you can't find the information, call them and ask how long, on average, it would take them to respond to a request. You can also ask them for an average timeframe for how long it takes them to fix specific problems.

3. Location

If your construction business is based in Vancouver, it might not be a good idea to hire a Toronto-based managed IT partner. Some IT hardware problems require prompt, in-person attention, and a voice or video call isn't enough, even with remote access permission. Plus, it's always good to foster a close relationship with your business partners, which is easier when they're nearby.

4. Expert IT Knowledge

One of the best things about working with an outsourced IT partner is the potential to work with a team of IT experts for around the cost of a single employee. However, not all teams are created equal. Make sure the IT company your construction business works with consists of qualified, experienced professionals.

5. Security Focus

Cybersecurity is a growing concern for businesses around the world. As digital transformation draws more people and companies to the internet, criminals unfortunately follow. Customer and company data are precious resources, and you should go to great lengths to protect them. Be sure to hire an IT company with a strong focus on security to protect the interests of your Toronto-based construction company.

6. Transparency and Pricing

Be sure to do some digging when it comes to your managed IT provider's pricing structure to make sure there are no hidden charges. Some charge extra for additional services that you could get included in the bundles from other firms. Is there a separate cost for services such as hardware service plans, extra integrations or research implementation? The more transparent an IT company is about its pricing, the more trustworthy it's likely to be.

Work With the Best Managed IT Service Provider in Toronto

Refine your IT systems and facilitate proper digital transformation with help from Haycor Computer Solutions, a Vaughan area managed IT service provider.