Ontario's manufacturing industry has evolved rapidly by implementing new technology and making many processes more collaborative. Cloud computing has contributed heavily to advancements in the industry, as cloud services make it easier to collaborate, gather real-time performance data and identify manufacturing issues before they cause work stoppages or expensive equipment failures.

If you need help making your manufacturing company more efficient, contact Haycor Computing Solutions for advice on implementing cloud computing resources in a cost-effective manner.

Types of Cloud Solutions for Manufacturers

Product Development With Cloud Technology

Some cloud computing services are used to help product developers and manufacturing employees collaborate more effectively. When these departments are isolated from each other, it's difficult for the manufacturing team to anticipate future production needs, which may lead to increased expenses, reduced output or missed deadlines. A major benefit of cloud computing services is that they make it much easier to collaborate, giving members of the production team the information they need to plan ahead.

Productivity Management With Cloud Computing

Rather than producing the same number of units each week, most manufacturing companies adjust their output based on customer demand and other factors. A company with cloud infrastructure has a much easier time determining when to order raw materials and prepare for an increase in production.

Inventory Management With Cloud Technology Services

Many business solutions aim to help manufacturers solve problems related to inventory management. If you don't manufacture enough units, you won't be able to meet customer demand. Producing more than you need can also be risky, as you need room to store it and extra time to track it. If excess inventory is damaged, you won't be able to sell it, resulting in lost revenue. Cloud service providers make it easy to track inventory and use the data to make decisions regarding production levels.

File Sharing for Computers and Mobile Devices

Due to advances in technology, it's easier than ever to manage and share files. With a private cloud, it's even easier, especially for small and medium businesses. Instead of searching for paper files or having users take the risk of emailing each other sensitive documents, you can keep all your data in the cloud and give access to multiple users.

Depending on what type of data you collect from customers, this type of storage can even help you comply with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.

Benefits of Cloud Computing Services in Manufacturing

Reduced Costs

Lower operating expenses are among the many benefits of working with a leading provider of technology services. The right cloud provider can help you reduce your equipment expenses and spend less money installing software updates. When you use cloud storage, you also realize cost savings associated with a much lower risk of data loss.

Increased Reliability

If you do everything on local systems, you're likely to experience technical issues that prevent employees from accessing needed software or data. This makes it difficult to serve customers or use the software needed to perform a variety of business functions. Not only can cloud computing make it easier to meet your business needs, but it can also increase reliability throughout your company.


With cloud services, you don't have to wait until you're at your desk to use important software and data. Cloud computing gives you instant access to everything you need via cloud applications, including Microsoft Office and other common programs. Internet access to key applications makes it easier to reach your business goals.

Competitive Advantage

Cloud computing services give you a competitive advantage over companies that are still using paper files and local machines for production planning, data storage, inventory management and other activities.

Time Savings

It's frustrating when you have to waste time searching for files or troubleshooting problems with local machines. Cloud computing solutions give authorized personnel the ability to open files and programs via any internet-connected computer or mobile device.

Support for Cloud Solutions

Haycor Computer Solutions is a Toronto-based company offering a diverse range of IT solutions to help companies of all sizes increase efficiency and reduce their operating expenses. At Haycor Computer Solutions, we also have extensive experience with cloud security, ensuring sensitive information is only accessible to employees who are authorized to view it. These are just a few of the services we offer to manufacturing companies in Ontario.

Cloud Backups

Business owners need to plan ahead for disaster recovery and business continuity. If there's a fire, a workplace accident or some other type of disaster, you need to be able to access your files quickly and get your business back up and running. Haycor Computer Solutions can help you by doing regular backups, minimizing the impact of disasters and human error.

Password Storage

Improve security with the use of a password keeper. We offer MyGlue, a cloud password keeper that encrypts all your passwords and stores them in a secure digital vault, preventing unauthorized access. We can also advise you on making your entire IT system more secure.

System Migrations

In addition to security, Haycor Computer Solutions can help you set up a secure cloud infrastructure. We'll transfer everything from your on-site servers to cloud-based applications, ensuring all connected devices can access a wide array of technology tools.

Hosted Servers

Reduce costs even further by storing your data on our high-end servers. We get everything set up and manage it for businesses in various industries, including manufacturing.

Managed Services

Haycor Computer Solutions also offers managed services throughout Ontario Canada. These services give employees at your small business extra time to focus on operations while we use our expertise to set up new systems, install software, troubleshoot IT issues and perform other technology-related services.

Get Help With Cloud Services in Ontario

If you want to lower operating costs and increase efficiency for your manufacturing company, contact Haycor Computer Solutions at (905) 707-6775. We support businesses of all sizes throughout the GTA in Ontario.